News from the Guidance Counselors

Morris Elementary counselors, Ms. Robinson and Mrs. Good, utilized role playing, books, videos, songs, games and worksheets to lead lessons during classroom guidance as they finish a unit on “Bullying.” The lessons throughout this unit have focused on what bullying behavior looks like and how to recognize it as well as teaching ways to show empathy to others, how to stand up to bullies in appropriate ways and how to deal with bullying as both a target and as a bystander. The bullying lessons also focused on establishing and finding a good support system when bullying is recognized.

Looking forward to the upcoming guidance lessons, the guidance team will be focusing on how to recognize and prevent harassment through our Anti-Bias unit. They will also be examining exciting career choices while learning how to relate their choices now to their future career paths. The final unit at Morris Elementary will cover tips for summer safety as well as focus on ways to enjoy our summer vacations while making sure to prepare ourselves for the upcoming school year.

In the last couple months, 5th grade students will be learning more about middle school and how to make a smooth transition to the exciting challenges middle school will bring. The fifth-graders will cover lessons on what changes to expect when they first arrive at middle school and how to deal with making new friends while potentially leaving some old friends in elementary school. We wish 5th grade students at Morris Elementary best of luck as they move onto middle school and we hope they will apply the lessons taught this year to their new classrooms next fall.

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